The Truthful Passenger

As I rode comfortably at the back of the tricycle, I saw group of men heading for work.  I could tell by their clothes that they’re into carpentry. One of them rode beside me. Along the way, I heard him complaining about the flood while protecting his feet from the mud splatter. When we arrived at the next terminal, as I handed my fare, he uncomfortably said to the driver he was going to wait for his companions  to pay his fare. I feel better hearing about it.  I went on my way.

All I thought was to get my way to the office, but the previous scene kept playing on my head.  While crossing the overpass, I found myself asking “Would it hurt you to lend a little?” I began battling with myself, “What? What are you talking about?” “You mean paying his fare? Yes, you could have done something.”

It is unusual to help a stranger. But what if you know that person, perhaps a neighbor, someone attending the same church, or a friend. I guess, your response is different. It would be easier for us to do something.

I wasn’t crazy but I realized someone was speaking to me. (There you go…) I remember a Sunday School topic about “Who is the Holy Spirit?” And I learned that we shouldn’t refer Him as “it” because He is a person, a God.  The following verses tell us how the Holy Spirit interact with us.  (John 14:26) The Spirit will teach us all things and will remind us of everything the Lord had said to us.  (Jn.16:13b) The Spirit of Truth will even show us things to come. (Jn.16:13a) His Spirit will guide us into all truth.

So then, as the driver handed my change, someone gave me the idea of telling the driver to pay his fare. But I hesitated and went on my way, unaware that the Spirit of Truth was the one talking to me.

John 14:16-17
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever– the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. (NIV)

4 thoughts on “The Truthful Passenger

  1. Hi. What you say is very true; one simple jest of generosity often has significant consequences. Helping someone makes your life become richer too, more meaningful. In every religion, humans are encouraged to extend a helping hand, but so few do. Isn’t it time we all did a little more for those who need it?

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